“Vanaman and Burbank are working on a yet-to-be-named first-person “energy distribution” puzzle game. It’ll offer some action mixed in with a short story, and “we’ll see if it’s any good,” Vanaman says.”
Team Size | 5
Dev Length | 51 hours
Tech | Unity, Photoshop, Maya
Website | https://bburbank.itch.io/discharge
• Concept Art
• Texture Art
• 3D Modeling
Together with members from Campo Santo and Minefield Games I helped to create a story driven, atmospheric play experience on a train. I was tasked with concepting, asset creation, and texturing for this rapid-fire game jam.
It's amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it, especially when you're stuck on a train for two and a half days with no internet. Discharge was a concept conceived by Ben Burbank and Sean Vanaman of Campo Santo. A student at the time, I was asked to join to fulfill the team's missing 3D art role. Shortly after, we were approached by Samuli Jääskeläinen of Mindfield games who expressed interest in joining as well. For Discharge, I created all in-game textures (save the floors and ceiling) as well as most 3D props seen in-game.
Because the game's development cycle was extremely short and the time allowed for research even shorter, concepting was expedited. A mood board was created and passed on to the rest of the team for acceptance and then some rough notebook concept sketches were done for cohesion in terms of shape language, scale, and design influences. After that, it was straight into asset creation.